I What is Contin’s Advanced Biometric Sensor? 

The Advanced Biometric Sensor Technology are developed based on years of research. Unlike conventional sensor systems that use only measure pressure information, with our unique algorithms and unique noise removal technology, the new technology accurately pick up and interpret ballistocardiography (BCG) waveform, non-invasively measuring even the tiniest biological signals generated by the ejection of the blood at each cardiac cycle, such as rate of heartbeat, respiration and movements without worry of environmental interruption.


I What can be sensed and analyzed?

Solutions are customized to individual needs with parameters you consider important and require monitoring, and catering to different alarm triggering scenarios based on level of emergency according to your requirement, with tailored analysis by sophisticated mathematical algorithms ensuring accuracy and precision.


I What can we offer for different industries? 

Our Advanced Biometric Sensor Technology enables companies of different industries to develop new products or services in all fields by visualizing and analyzing physical and mental conditions of monitored subject through non-contact and unrestrained detection of vital biological data.

We can provide end-to-end full solution including advanced air sensor pad with AAMS Technology, customized alert system and tailored report generated with your selected parameter sensed and transmitted to our analyzing software for processing. We can also integrate our sensor solution to your existing system, with personalized programming and compatible API and SDI ensuring seamless connection with your devices and reporting requirement.


I What are the advantages of application as sensor pad? 

With our Advanced Biometric Sensor Technology applied as sensor pad for continuous monitoring of subject’s biological signals, data can be captured subtly in the most undisturbed manner for insightful results. With the sensor away from sight, accurate analytics can be drawn,  granting users in-depth knowledge for research purpose or for further development into commercial products.


I What can you get from this technology? 

Reports are generated once per second to give you real time information for parameters you require monitoring, for example, heart rate (bpm), heart rate variability (ms), respiration rate (1/min), stroke volume (A.U.), bed occupancy status etc. The technology offers new potential like behavior prediction by analyzing obtained pattern of minute microwave change reflected by BCG.


The optimum technology for continuous monitoring. More flexible, more accurate, more discreet. Applicable for any industry, for any purpose. Contact us to discover how we can apply this technology catering your every needs.


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